Horoscopes and finding your Astrological Love Match

Best Horoscopes for love
Horoscopes Love Compatibility

When it comes to looking for love, people have been turning to the stars for centuries. The astrology behind love and relationships is a powerful indicator of potential chemistry, desire and compatibility. It’s not uncommon for people to enquire when they meet someone with whom they gel, ‘what star sign are you?’

That said, if you are looking to the signs to determine just how harmonious your love match is or are attempting to use astrology to seek out a union, here’s what you need to look for.

Are Your Sun Signs Compatible?

The sun sign is determined by your day and month of birth. Our sun sign determines our inner personality; our true self. Typically, fire and air signs are compatible as are water and earth. For instance, Gemini and Aries are highly compatible whilst Gemini and Scorpio is a problematic match. Sun sign compatibility only scratches the surface of deeper companionship but it’s a useful starting point.

Delve Into Your Moon Signs

A person’s moon sign determines their instinctive reactions and responses to the world around them and somewhat skews the impact of the sun sign. A Gemini with a Capricorn moon will be more reserved and responsible than their sun sign would dictate whereas a Piscean with an Aries moon will have fiery reactions uncommon to their watery demeanour. Having compatible moon signs ensures that you understand one another on an instinctual level.

Love At first sight? Look To the Ascendant

As well as the sun and moon sign, the ascendant also plays a role. Your ascendant sign is how you appear to others upon first meeting. The ascendant is responsible for love at first sight, struck by a thunderbolt, Romeo and Juliet charged love encounters. Two water ascendants such as Pisces and Scorpio may feel an instant click whilst two air ascendants such as Gemini and Libra will talk up a storm in next to no time. By contrast, a Scorpio ascendant will be pulled towards a Taurus Ascendant and immediately repelled by a Gemini Ascendant!

Mars – The Sign of Desire

Desire plays a large part in developing an enduring love match. Mars rules sex and lust and as such, your responses to potential suitors can be dictated by your physical response to them. Mars also influences what you consider to be attractive, how you approach and how you like to be approached. Aries in Mars loves the thrill of the chase, Gemini Mars prioritises witty exchanges and Scorpio Mars is deep and intense when it comes to love.

What about Venus?

Playful Venus dictates your love style. Gemini loves words and witty repertoire, Leo loves grandiosity and gifts, Pisces needs a soul connection and Taurus wants leisure and pleasure. Venus explains how we behave when we are in love and how we like to play. It represents our love language and the way that we give and receive love. A chatty Libra may be thrown off by a stoic Capricorn but once you understand the fundamental differences between signs, compromises can be factored in.

For further Horoscopes and Astrological compatibility please Click Here

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