Scorpio in Love

Scorpio in Love - Who is my best match ?
Scorpio in love and relationships

As a Scorpio, intensity might well be your middle name. Everything you do has a fiery quality associated with it, be that work, love or justice. As such, you expect great amounts of passion and lust from your partners, which might be a downfall or a blessing. You can also inspire jealousy because of your constant and powerful sensual presence. That said, if you allow it, you will be transformed by love. The transformation will vary though:

Scorpio and Scoprio Pairings: Watch out! You’ll be able to communicate with each other very easily due to your shared understanding of each other’s sexuality, but this openness can lead you down a dangerous path if you let it. Be honest with your feelings, but don’t allow them to get in the way of your partner’s feelings.

Scorpio and Sagittarius Pairings: Sagittarius love their independence. They are also very direct and honest. This is the opposite to you. If you want this match to be made in Heaven and not in Hell, you need to appreciate these differences. This is a particularly strong warning because you will definitely feel the pull of the moon guiding you towards each other.

Scorpio and Capricorn pairings: Capricorn and Scorpio are both consumed by emotion. The major difference is that as a Scorpio you want to be completely consumed by one emotion for a long period of time. On the other hand, a Capricorn wants to take a shallow taste of each emotion in quick succession. You must help them to feel deeply, and they must help to save you from being consumed by negative emotion.

Scorpio and Aquarius pairings: You are both very powerful people, and unrelenting. Neither of you will want to submit and be controlled by the other. However, this can be a blessing instead of a curse, because you both respect the steadfastness (and even stubbornness!) of the other. Allow this to be an emotion of respect and not of hate.

Scorpio and Pisces pairings: You both are sensual and caring and love with a fiery Latin-style love. However, Pisces have lofty emotions and lofty ambitions. As a Scorpio, you prefer to smolder in the real world and have every day concerns. This can work if you compartmentalize, but if you don’t, you will drive each other insane.

Scorpio and Leo pairings: You both love melodrama and eventfulness in life which is great. However, the key issue with this pairing is that the drama is controlled. Otherwise, it can be a recipe for disaster. Make sure you take your partner to the Opera as opposed to throwing things at them because of the dishes not being cleaned on time!

Scorpio and Gemini Pairings: You will both be driven by your lust for each other. However, do not allow this to blind you to reality: You’ll need a lot of things in common with each other for when those initial passionate moments wane.

Scorpio and Aries pairings: You are both fiery. You are both passionate. The problem here will be if you refuse to accept that the Aries is what they are. They do not mince their words. When they want you, they want you. You might have a natural inclination to play games. The Aries will not have that.

For more on Scorpio, including your daily Scorpio Horoscope visit

Sagittarius in Love

Sagittarius in Love - Who is my best match ?
Sagittarius in love and relationships

Ah, Freedom Loving Sagittarius. You love adventure and you love your own company. You have had trouble in the past due to not wanting to be defined or fenced in by life. This can be troublesome for the more passionate and couple seeking behaviors that other star signs exhibit. Here are the issues that you should consider with each pairing:

Sagittarius and Sagittarius pairings: You’ll understand each other well due to your similar star sign. However, that doesn’t mean it’ll all be plain sailing. You’ll need to take frequent rain checks to bring you both back to earth. Otherwise  your mutual love for adventure will take you to dark and crazy places.

Sagittarius and Capricorn: Capricorn are organized and you are not. You are adventurous and they are not. Surprisingly, due to your similar emotional rhythms you’ll be able to separate your differences and find your own common grounds. This could be a great match if you overcome initial differences.

Sagittarius and Aquarius Pairings: An Aquarius will be charmed by you. They will be initially drawn in to you for your adventurousness, and likewise, you will love their grounded attitude. However, don’t allow Aquarius to control you with their coolness. You need adventure. If you don’t follow this, war is soon to follow!

Sagittarius and Pisces: Pisces will allow themselves to become passive under your lead, which you will hate. Make sure that you convince them to take the reins sometimes, and you’ll both be thankful for it. It’d be shame to let this pairing go to waste. After all, you are both heavy dreamers and you can create and inspire each other to achieve those dreams.

Sagittarius and Leo: Both of you will be overly drawn by your passion for each other. However, that heat will burn out if you allow it to. The best way to deal with this problem is to make sure you leave enough time for each other to be independent beings. Initially you won’t want to, but this is good for the long term sake of the relationship.

Sagittarius and Gemini: There will be a lot of differences in this relationship. You have different emotional rhythms. Different intellectual principles which you seek to abide by. However, you both have a mutual love of new experiences. This will be the key determiner of whether your relationship is a success or a failure. When you planets align together, it will be very passionate also.

Sagittarius and Aries: You will want to tame the Aries. This is something that will keep you chasing them. They are fiery and stubborn, and you love adventure. Whilst the Aries is not adventurous, dealing with their powerful and forceful nature is a challenge in and of itself. Think of yourself as a bull fighter or snake charmer in this relationship and you won’t be far wrong. However, don’t mistake their blunt nature for rudeness. They are not as skilled in conversation as you are. Beautiful pairings can result from this dynamic.

For more on Sagittarius, including your daily Sagittarius Horoscope visit

Cancer in Love

Cancer in Love - Who is my best match ?
Cancer in love and relationships

Cancer are a beautiful romantic. They will overlook the flaws of their partner and have a strong desire to be the most intimately connected and supportive person they can be. This is brilliant but also can mean that the Cancer falls into the trap of being a hopeless romantic. The following will help you choose how to act in certain pairings.

Cancer and Cancer: You both have the same intimate hopes and dreams. You will need to watch out though: There is a thin line between nurturing and controlling, and emotions can run high. Give each other space and support.

Cancer and Leo: You need to be the supporting role if you are the Cancer in this pairing. Leo loves to be the main actor in the play, and you fit into the role of support naturally. However, don’t lose yourself and become a servant to the Leo.

Cancer and Virgo: You will need each other. Virgo needs the support of a loving Cancer, who is happy to provide it. Cancer will need the self-reassurance that the Virgo provides. This could be a great partnership if you have things in common.

Cancer and Libra: You have a set of contradictory behaviors which can make for an interesting pairing if you allow it. Cancer wants to build walls, and Libra likes to be taken around the walls. Cancer builds the foundations, and Libra’s artistic style means that they’ll add the finishing touches.

Cancer and Scorpio: Both of you are in tune with your emotional sides, and some would say governed by them. The only problem here is one of rhythm. Scorpio have longer burning emotional candles, whereas Cancer tend to move faster through the emotions. Beware of this when tempers run high.

Cancer and Sagittarius: This pairing spells danger in most cases. Cancer is a nest builder, and loves to have set boundaries and definitions. Sagittarius hate the controlling nature of anything. They don’t set habits if they can help it. You will have to compromise heavily for this pairing to work.

Cancer and Capricorn: Cancer and Capricorn will make each other sullen if they don’t appreciate their differences. This is a case of intuition of the cancer meeting the rationality of the Capricorn. Allow each other to lead from time to time; you will learn new ways of looking at things.

Cancer and Aquarius: This is another opposite approach that will be difficult to manage. Aquarius are cool and indifferent, the opposite of a Cancer’s nurturing and emotional perspective. Watch out and try and buck the odds on this one by finding your own way to handle things.

Cancer and Pisces: As long as you don’t have a self-destructive person, this pairing is a match in heaven. Your emotional rhythms are the same, your philosophical outlooks on life are similar and most importantly, you both have the need to settle down and be happy in domestic bliss together. Good luck with this one, but you won’t need it.

For more on Cancer, including your daily Cancer Horoscope visit

Gemini in Love

Gemini in Love - Who is my best match ?
Gemini in love and relationships

Gemini love expressing an adventurous sexuality. They love challenge, be it physical or intellectual. This can be the best thing for them or the worst. You love meeting new people, and you are not afraid to move onto greener pastures when the time is right. However, that flightiness isn’t necessarily shared by everyone. You might need to tone it down to get the right person to fall in love with you.

Gemini and Gemini: You’ll generate a lot of energy between you. This can be a blessing or a hardship. Allow the exuberance and adventurousness you both feel to feed off each other, and not consume each other. Allow each other to take the pairing on an adventure and use your sexual adventurous to keep things fresh and interesting.

Gemini + Cancer: This could be a dangerous match up. Cancer love to connect at a deep and emotional level, whereas the Gemini is looking for new experiences constantly. This isn’t the best combination naturally, so tread carefully.

Gemini + Leo: This could be a good match or a great match, providing you bear two things in mind: 1. Leo are very loyal, and they will not enjoy the flirtatiousness of the average Gemini. 2. both of you will like to be the center of attention. For this relationship to work you need to both allow the other to be the star of the show at times.

Gemini + Virgo: What starts of as intrigue for both parties can turn to annoyance if you don’t share the same lifestyle. The fact that a Gemini and a Virgo are completely different is what will initially draw them to each other. It is also potentially what will drive them apart.

Gemini + Libra: This isn’t going to be a sizzling affair of ardent passion. It might well be a life partnership though. Where Gemini and Libra are the same they find common ground, and where they are different they complement each other. Don’t expect this pairing to be non-stop seduction though.

Gemini + Scorpio: This is the opposite of the above! Both of you will be driven by your lust for each other. The main thing you need to worry about in this relationship is jealousy, because after a few moments together you will definitely realize the potency of each other’s sensuality!

Gemini + Sagittarius: You will have your differences in this relationship, that’s for sure. However, you both love adventure and will complement each other if you give each other the space to pursue your own interests.

Gemini + Capricorn: The major issue here is that a Capricorn is not a natural adventurer. This can lead to regret on the part of the Gemini or fear of abandonment on behalf of the Capricorn. Allow yourselves to set a rhythm of new experience to routine.

Gemini and Aquarius: Both adventurous, both flirty. This could be a dream pair if you respect each other. The issue will be if you can recognize when a time calls for a deeper emotional bonding.

Gemini and Pisces: This pairing is a case of opposites attracting each other. Pisces are laid back, and Gemini are adventurous go-getters. This can be terrible if you don’t appreciate why you’re drawn to the things you don’t have. Be careful and respect each other.

For more on Gemini, including your daily Gemini Horoscope visit

Libra in Love

Libra in Love - Who is my best match ?
Libra in love and relationships

Libra tends to be a flirty, independent minded character. You are the definition of good character with a secret sensual side that is waiting to burst out at the right moment. Love is very important to you because finding the right person allows you to express that flirty and sensual side. As such, you’re guaranteed to want to find the perfect partner. The pairings below will show you who that might be:

Libra and Libra pairings: You can both get on really with each other, because you both want to connect and continue your connection with each other. However, Libra has a tendency towards indecision. In a pair, this can lead to stagnation if you let it.

Libra and Scorpio pairings: The short term pairing will be passionate here as both Scorpio and Libra need to feel a connection. However, Libra tends to want domestic comfort, whilst Scorpio love drama and ongoing intensity. Long term this can be dangerous.

Libra and Sagittarius pairings: The Sagittarius with their adventurous spirit will cause plenty of jealous moments, but your natural flirtiness and ability to inspire them to emotional connection will win them back in the end.

Libra and Capricorn pairings: You are both old-fashioned romantics. You are both driven foremost by the idea that you are one of a perfect pair. On the surface this is brilliant, however it can lead to trouble and issues with jealousy. Watch out for this and make sure to deal with problems as they arise.

Libra and Aquarius pairings: You will share a massive mental connection with this pairing. You both love to talk about topics that interest you for hours. The issue with a Libra and Aquarius pairing is that you will have to translate that logical and intellectual connection into something more passionate if you want to be completely fulfilled.

Libra and Pisces pairings: You might be tempted to see this initial affair as a match made in Heaven, but beware. Whilst you’ll be drawn to each other’s souls, your psychological differences will become more apparent over time. Pisces needs to feel a certain emotional intimacy, and whilst Libra needs this, the approach is different. Coldness versus heat is the description best suited for Libra and Pisces pairings.

Libra and Aries pairings: You need to tame the fiery nature of the Aries if you want to succeed. You’ll want intimacy, they’ll want passion. You might mistake their powerful individuality for a refusal to commit, but that is not how they see it at all!

Libra and Leo pairings: You will be afraid and passionate in this relationship. Whilst neither of you will feel like it, because of your proclivities towards emotional situations and jealousy, you will play games of hot and cold with each other. Whilst each of you might think you are being manipulated, realize that this is a pot and kettle situation.

Libra and Virgo  Pairings: You will have trouble here because the Virgo can compartmentalize their emotional lives where as you have real trouble with hiding your passion when mundane work needs to be done.

For more on Libra, including your daily Libra Horoscope visit

Leo in Love

Leo in Love - Who is my best match ?
Leo in love and relationships

The Leo is the theatrical lover of Shakespeare and the like. You love drama, and you love being an extrovert and a romantic when it comes to love. You are sexual and emotional, a tempest for your unwitting partner. This rhythm works for some, and doesn’t for others. Find out which pairings work and why below:

Leo and Leo: Both of you love the act of life. Both of you have a love of acting and the merriment of being with each other. Your love will depend on whether you can recognize what the other Leo in the relationship wants and needs. You are not an island and neither are they.

Leo + Virgo: This is a grand vision versus details oriented dilemma. You love the big ideas, and your partner loves the day-to-day effects of an idea. There is considerable gap between you, but if you set boundaries correctly, then you will find an odd form of success.

Leo + Libra: The two of you are game-players, and you’ll play with each other. Think of this as a romantic Tom and Jerry relationship. You’ll be at odds whilst in love, and you’ll promise yourselves to stop but neither of you will want or be able too.

Leo + Scorpio: This is a case of opposites attract. What you have in common is a love of drama and eventfulness. You will need to make sure that these events are planned by your selves; otherwise you’ll have to leave it to chance, which might not be pretty.

Leo + Sagittarius: This is a fiery tango with both of you bringing the fire. You’ll be passionate and have to be aware that the heat might consume your relationship. The best way to deal with this is to schedule time apart, even if you don’t want to.

Leo + Capricorn this can work in some circumstances. The key here is to realize that whilst the Leo loves the center stage, the Capricorn is best taking a back seat. They will help you to shine, but when you go to do karaoke; don’t pull them up to join in. They prefer to cheer you on.

Leo + Aquarius: If you can cope with the fre0living nature of the Aquarius this partnership will work. They will allow you to be yourself and even help you to achieve what you need to, but they will never be completely under your will. Aquarius is true individuals, and they will be themselves whether you like it or not.

Leo + Pisces: You will be swept away by a Pisces. They are fiery of temperament and they know exactly what they want. You’re used to commanding the attention and flow of events; Pisces blow you away. You have one choice here: Go with the flow and see where it leads, or get left behind. We know which one you’re going to choose!

Aries and Leo. You could spend your time completely in high spirits, or you could spend all of your time arguing and biting each other’s heads off. You are both headstrong, so let cooler heads prevail where you feel each other slipping into anger.

For more on Leo, including your daily Leo Horoscope visit

Pisces in Love

Pisces  in Love - Who is my best match ?
Pisces in love and relationships

Pisces are possibly the most traditional romantics of all the star signs. Midnight walks, moonlit soirees and dancing in ballrooms suit you well. That said, it isn’t always about the grand gestures. Either holding the door open for your girl or having the door held open for you by your man are things you secretly love, even if you don’t think you should. Ice cream and walks on the beach fall into this too. Even in everyday life, your sensitive nature pines to be let out. In the modern world, this can be a blessing, because traditionally minded people get lost in the crowd. It can also be a curse. Rugged individuality means that romantic notion is somewhat frowned upon. We’ve detailed some of the pairings below which will either work or definitely won’t!


Pisces and Libra pairings: This is coldness versus heat, and a Pisces you might get burned. You’ll be initially drawn to each other because you both desperately want an intimate connection. However, the way you go about achieving the union will make all the difference. You have the same emotional needs but different psychological rhythms.

Pisces and Scorpio relationship pairings: You both love passion, but that doesn’t mean success is guaranteed. As a Pisces, it is your desire to scope out the lofty and ambitious goals from your partner. You’re a dreamer waiting to be swept away. Scorpio might not appeal to you, because they are down in the real world and concerned with the here and now. If you can find a compromise, this might work anyway.

Pisces and Sagittarius relationships: This can be great for a Pisces and a Sagittarius, but you need to take the lead sometimes. Sagittarius are natural leaders, and you’re a natural helpful sidekick. All is well so far. However, Sagittarius like to conquest, so where as you are happy laying down and being le, Sagittarius will eventually begin to resent your easy going nature. Don’t allow this to happen and make sure that you both go for your individual desires. They’ll thank you for it!

Pisces and Capricorn Pairings: Again, your lofty and dreamy ambitions contradict the down to Earth nature of the Capricorn. However, both of you are hopeless romantics in your own way, and you have similar psychological rhythms. This will make the relationship sail smoothly provided that Pisces deals with the long term planning and Capricorn deals with the day to day living arrangements.

Pisces and Taurus pairings: If you both keep a level head and learn to compromise, then this is a great pairing for both parties. Both of you are traditionalists and both of you are cool emotionally. It takes you both a long time to warm up into passion, and it’ll take a long time to cool down once you reach that height. This is great, because it will create a loyal bond which it will be very difficult to break. Resiliency is key here!

Pisces and Gemini: This is another great pairing for an entirely different reason. Gemini are adventurous and fun, Pisces like to stay in for the evenings. However, this is a clear case of opposites attracting, because due to the spiritual rhythms you share, you’ll be intrigued and learn from the other’s very different approach to life.

For more on Pisces, including your daily Pisces Horoscope visit

Capricorn in Love

Capricorn in Love - Who is my best match ?
Capricorn in love and relationships

You think of yourself as a beautiful and classy spirit. You seek traditional relationships and shy away from adventure. This will work with some pairings, but you might have to concede in some areas. You are ruled by Earth signs; you can be hormonal and passionate, yet you want a strong connection as opposed to a random fling. This will make you seem a prude at some stages of your life, but will also lead to you being a successful lover and head of a family in the future.

Capricorn and Capricorn pairings: The problem here is a little too much traditionalism. If you both seek to build the perfect family and life, you run the risk of ‘keeping up with the Jones’es’ syndrome. This will mean you don’t leave enough time to explore and comfort each other. Success will start with you planning getaways where you concentrate on brining each other pleasure.

Capricorn and Aquarius relationships: you are a traditionalist, whereas Aquarius is a maverick. This can cause chaos, or it can work. If you originally find the person irritating or incompatible with you, don’t try to force a relationship. This will be a case of it working when it works, and if it doesn’t work, it can’t be saved.

Capricorn and Pisces: The Pisces are lofty, whereas you are down to Earth. You worry, and they dream. However, you are both emotionally concerned with being the best partner you can be, you just express it in different ways. Beauty will come to this relationship if you allow the Pisces to dream, and they allow you to fret occasionally. Find common ground, and don’t try to fix them.

Capricorn and Leo: This is a great pairing, because you love to be the wind beneath their wings. They love to be center stage, and you love to let them. You are the sort that prefers to be the support that holds them together. Once you learn to live with their boisterousness and exuberance, you can make a great team.

Capricorn and Gemini: the major difference between the two of you is that you are not a natural adventurer, whereas the Gemini is. You must allow them to engage in adventure every so often, otherwise they will become filled with regret, and later resentment. However, you must stay true to yourself. Don’t allow them to pull you along on every new experience they want to engage in if you don’t feel comfortable.

Capricorn and Scorpio pairings: You have similar emotional rhythms but completely different practical approaches to life. You are organized, they are not. They are spontaneous, and you are not. The question is, will the differences outweigh the similarities? You can compartmentalize so far, but you’ll need a lot in common with each other to overcome your differences.

Capricorn and Aries relationships: Watch out here. You’ll naturally be drawn to the Aries’ fire. However, what you’ll notice after a time is that their stubbornness and individuality is at odds with your grounded sense of commitment. However, if you can work out this difference you’ll find yourself creating a perfect couple. Aries love to be the leader, and you love to create a family and life. Let them be the captain, whilst you are the first-mate.

For more on Capricorn, including your daily Capricorn Horoscope visit

Aquarius in Love

Aquarius  in Love - Who is my best match ?
Aquarius in love and relationships

Aquarius are curious and independent minded. Once they commit, they are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that they are in a committed and happy relationship, but one thing that makes life difficult for them is their inability to give up their quirky individuality or their individual pursuits.

Aquarius and Aquarius Pairings: This can be a great pairing. However, the main issue won’t be that you don’t get on with each other, but that together you’ll be a force to be reckoned with! It’s likely you’ll both have a mutual understanding of each other’s quirkiness, and together you’ll throw wild parties and revel in separate pursuits. Others may not understand the nature of your relationship though, as you aren’t a conventional  pairing!

Aquarius and Pisces Relationships: What will seem like a really promising relationship at first is unlikely to last. After all, you are an Aquarius. Your element is water, and with it cool indifference. Like a cat. Pisces is like a dog; they are emotionally sensitive, and when it comes to your alone time and individual pursuits, they are unlikely to want to be left alone long enough for you to feel quenched.

Aquarius and Aries:  Aries and Aquarius naturally don’t go together. You’ll have to find a compromise for this to work. The key reasons are that Aquarius are naturally cold and collected, whereas Aries are all fire. Aquarius live for the future, whereas Aries live for the moment. This can be a great combination, or it can burn out very quickly. Watch out!

Capricorn and Aquarius relationships: First impressions count here. You are an intellectual maverick, and they are an emotional traditionalist. This can create a great pairing if you’re compatible, but if you’re not it will be fireworks in a bad way! Essentially, think about when you first met them: Did their personality quirks annoy you or entice you? This is the key to this relationship.

Aquarius and Libra pairings: The two of you will seem intellectually destined for one another. What you might have to take into account though is that this might not translate to sexual and emotional connection. This will be a relationship of mental journeys as opposed to physical ones. If you want to buck the trend, it will take some effort!

Aquarius and Scorpio pairings: Both of you are stubborn. Neither of you are going to budge. This will either be a blessing or a curse. Both natural leaders, you might be at loggerheads constantly. That said, if you find common ground and work towards different but compatible goals, then you may find that you can achieve more than any other couple you know.

Sagittarius and Aquarius Pairings: As an Aquarius, you will be naturally charmed by the Sagittarius. Their natural love of adventure will help you and appeal to your cool-headedness and practicality. However, eventually you will want to draw lines in the sand, and this is against everything the Scorpio holds dear. Either keep yourself in check, or consider this a short term love.

For more on Aquarius including your daily Taurus Horoscope visit

Taurus in Love Taurus Soulmates

Taurus in Love - Who is my best match ?
Taurus the bull in love and relationships

The bull represents Taurus, and as a Taurus, you share many of the bull’s spiritual qualities. When it comes to love, you need security. You are dependable and loyal. However, you can also be stubborn and unwilling to change. As a general guideline, for success in love, this is what you will need to change. Your positives are brilliant though: You are happy to be content with your partner’s company, and you don’t need expensive gifts or action-packed adventures. You are happy and content if somebody provides you comfort and security.

Here is a breakdown of how you fare with the other star signs, and what to look out for:

Taurus and Aries: Their fiery nature will throw you, but persevere. To get this right you will have to juggle with each other’s personal needs and the needs of the relationship. A leader/follower dynamic might work when it comes to planning.

Taurus and Taurus: Watch out for arguments! The stubborn and the security instincts will be a big play here for the Taurus and Taurus pairing. Keep on open line of communication and you’ll not go wrong!

Taurus and Gemini: Gemini have a free flowing nature which is great to release some of the stress of the stubborn Taurus. Just hope that they don’t release you too far: You have a natural need for security and you mustn’t lose yourself. Let your Gemini take you to new places though.

Taurus and Cancer: This could be the perfect couple. Taurus will be caring and loyal, and that is what the Cancer needs. The Cancer will provide sensuality and nurturing, which is what the Taurus needs.

Taurus and Leo: This could be trouble. To succeed, the Taurus will have to relent to the Leo’s need for adventure. The Leo will need to reassure that the craziness and spontaneity is no threat to the domestic bliss that the Taurus wants and needs.

Taurus and Virgo: Both of you will desire the same things. This is great. Something to watch out for though is that as a Taurus you don’t speak too matter of factly and destroy the Virgo’s nerves. You should be great together.

Taurus and Libra: You both need the same thing. That said you might find it very difficult to relate, because you both go after the same thing in completely different ways. Talk is what you need.

Taurus and Scorpio: Providing you can get over the stubbornness of each other, you could find great chemistry here. Taurus likes to be led, Scorpio likes to lead. Be wary of a Scorpio’s passion for manipulating though. As a Taurus you prefer a much more upfront style.

Taurus and Sagittarius: Whilst they may initially have a spark that sets them aflame with passion, this is a difficult relationship to keep a hold of. Sagittarius are flighty and love adventure and personal space. Taurus need constant presence of their partner. Tread carefully and respect each other.

Taurus and Capricorn: This is a great pairing. Both Capricorn and Taurus are rooted in the real world, and both are concerned with having a calm, easy and safe life as opposed to one of adventure. This will be a great relationship if you both appreciate each other.

Taurus and Aquarius: This is a very difficult combination to get right. Taurus lives in the physical world, and Aquarius exists in the idea space. Passion is a hallmark of the Aquarius, whilst serenity is good for Taurus. Watch out with this pairing!

Taurus and Pisces: Taurus and Pisces are a great match, with their similar laid back and compassionate attitude to life. However, they need to bear one thing in mind for their relationship to work: Taurus exists in the physical world, and Pisces exists in the dream world. Keep a level head and compromise.

For more on Taurus, including your daily Taurus Horoscope visit