Lunar eclipse Monday August 7, 2017 Aquarius

Lunar Eclipse Astrology
The Aquarius August Full ’Sturgeon Moon’ Monday 7th August 

The Aquarius ’Sturgeon Moon’ Monday 7th August draws its eclipse power directly from the Moon & the Sun. Be careful to notice your moods, quite volatile swings are not only possible but almost unavoidable. It will be easy to switch from ‘happy go lucky holiday’, to ‘power crazed, jealous ruthless maniac’ in the blink of an eye. Now is the time to recognise those mood swings as they arise, thank them for coming, have a laugh to yourself and move to your personal happy space to accept the success & joy that could be coming your way if you decide to focus on the positives rather than get involved in the lunar dramas.


This August Full Moon eclipse shines it light on associations & relationships of all kinds, personal & professional. As I have said the Moon / Sun dynamic can revel raw nerves and emotions that are running high, literally just below the surface. Try & observe your connections as an outsider, focusing on those that nourish you and not giving in to any base emotions that try & drag you down.

This lunar eclipse is a pause, a hard reset of your emotional Wi-Fi. A time to really allow minor but persistent annoyances & jarring relationship niggles to disperse in to the ether. Do you really need to harbour those low level resentments? Think how much happier you will be when you allow that negative energy to dissolve, releasing you to embrace the positivity that will empower you, revealing new directions that will fuel & nourish your spirit.


The underlying astrology for this Aquarius moon fires your enthusiasm. A long term project can no longer be avoided. You can now shift up a gear and begin to manifest the long term success that has been eluding you. Many factors & elements have been put in place, over a very long time. Now this moon forms a ‘perfect storm’ that engages the latent drive you have to finally begin to realise long held dreams, finally assembling all of those many building blocks of success.

The saying about ‘pain’ being necessary if we’re to ‘gain’ is a misleading one. ‘Pain’ can take the form of a very brief feeling of slight discomfort that accompanies change. You might be aware of what levels of discomfort or insecurity might come with change you’re keen to introduce to an area of your world now. This change is a necessary one. Any seemingly negative feelings that accompany it will be short-lived.

The lunar eclipse on Monday August 7, 2017 Aquarius is ready to shake up your world, grab the opportunity with both hands, release the negatives & strive forward with unbridled creativity.


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