Gemini Horoscopes for Love & Romance

Astrology for Gemini Trusted Astrologer
Gemini Love Horoscopes 

Weather the Storms of Spring Gemini and You’ll Have Sunshine on the Horizon

April has not been the best month for Gemini’s when it comes to love and romance, or anything else for that matter.  Fortunately, your Gemini nature has a way of putting things in perspective so that it seems not so bad.  Venus is in your sign and will have an effect on how others see you.  You will seem more charming and enigmatic than before, this can be good or bad.  It will draw people to you, but they may not see you wholly or completely.  The end of this month is the time for you to make a push in the area of friendships and romance as you have the wind at your sails.  As you move into May those problems in your relationship will be exposed and you need to work on them now or use this time to let go.  It is also the time to begin new relationships.  For more validation be sure to check out my amazingly popular Free Tarot Readings

Your dual nature sometimes makes it difficult for you to really engage in a a solid relationship, but not impossible when you accept who you are, accept that these feelings of wanting both freedom and comfort are just a part of who you are and use that to your advantage.  Know that when you have the urge to step away or even run away, you will want to return once you get to where you are going.  The person or people that love you will remember that you ran, so be considerate.  As Oprah used to say, “Once you know better, do better.”  If you accept that these feelings are temporal then it is easier to let the urge pass and in doing so lay the groundwork for a relationship where you can provide the security to others that you will someday seek for yourself.  Loving a Gemini is both easy due to your charisma, but also hard because you always look away to other opportunities.  As you go into May consider how others may look at your actions before you leap.

Having the power of Venus and the New Moon behind you means having a threshold of opportunity for romance.  It does not mean that you have to take it.  We all want love.  Love is one of the sweet fruits of life, but we’re not always ready for love.  Sometimes the people in our path will look like they are right because they bring a sense of newness and excitement, but that does not mean that they are the right person for us.  As with all things be cautions and wise.  If it is possible look to Libras for friendship and romance.  The Libra provides the counter-balance to your temperament and make great friends and lovers.  As long as you accept that you both, for different reasons, have trouble making decisions you can work on that weakness together.

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Taurus Horoscopes Looking for Love ?

Taurus for Love Horoscopes & reports
Best UK Taurus Horoscopes 

Is it Time for Taurus to Embrace a New Romance?

Tempestuous Taurus, passionate Taurus, yearning Taurus—what else can be expected by the sign ruled by Venus?  You can have money, popularity and adventure but without a romance to stimulate your lover’s heart you feel incomplete.  For the Taurus who has lost a love or is looking for love there is, unfortunately, no immediate romance on the horizon.  However, be of good cheer because it’s coming.

March and the beginning of April brought Venus into your cycle and planted the seeds of confidence and attractiveness that will manifest itself over the summer months.  As your self-confidence and magnetism grows so does the interest that others will take in you.  This month created new opportunities career-wise as Mars ruled your month, provoking your courage and sense of adventure.  This was not the romance you were looking for but it will place you in a position where romance will come.  For you the New Moon brought tension in romance and a slight stumble in the Universe’s plans, but those under the sign of Venus are never without love for long.  Take this time-out to work on yourself.  Those who are in lagging relationships can use this time to improve your relationships by working on yourself. The next few months are laying the groundwork for something special at the end of summer and as you roll into fall.  A late summer romance or rekindling of one is in your future.

Taking ownership of your flaws and using your positive traits to their advantage will be the lesson you learn in the next month so that when your jumping off point comes, you are ready.  Those ruled by Venus see love as natural and often don’t think as deeply about it as their partner may need.  You know that you love and expect others to know what love is, as well.  You demand loyalty and faithfulness, and at times you also demand to be the center of your love’s world.  This is the bull in you.  You are often the center of attention and therefore come to expect it.  Learn the lesson now that sometimes other people are allowed to take center stage or even want some time alone and when you meet that potential person in late September or early October you will be ready for a relationship that is not only passionate but durable if you do the homework now.  Saturn will rule your fall and that means whomever enters your life will bring a storm of passion.  Understanding now how to manage that will be key to the relationship becoming long-lasting or volatile but memorable. For mored detailed Horoscopes for Taurus in the UK visit

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Aries Horoscopes for love & relationships

Love and Relationships for Aries
Best Aries Love Horoscopes 

Romance on the Horizon for you Love-Lost Aries !

Love is a natural part of life, and like all things in nature it can be cyclical. The last full moon of March brought the end to many Aries romances, some that were deeply meaningful and long-term.  As one astrological year ended so did many great loves.  Many of you felt the pangs of loss deeply.  The fiery and strong-headed Aries may be discerning when it comes to love, but once an Aries heart falls—look out.  That fire inside fuels a passionate heart that pushes forward and loves with intensity.  Aries relationships can be stormy but they are never boring.  They can be some of the best and worst of loves.  Always memorable, when an Aries in is a relationship it is usually the stuff of novels.  This is why when an Aries loses a love, it can shatter their whole world.

Remember that just as the moon waxes and wanes, so does love.  With the Aries New Moon came new opportunity, and as your birth month ends so does your heartbreak.  This does not mean you will forget.  An Aries never forgets a love.  It does mean that you will finally have perspective.  Those wheels of change, set in motion on the 18th will begin to manifest itself over the next week to week and a half.  You have begun your journey and in the next few weeks be aware of those nascent steps towards love.  It will be a new love, but that does not mean that you must look to a new person.  Jupiter’s influence on your life will begin to shift your awareness of yourself and your ability to communicate with others will be enhanced.  Watch for the signs Venus is sending and allow the New Moon’s lessons to manifest in your heart.

Those born under the sign of Aries have a lust for adventure, are very self-confident, and project these qualities out into the world.  People are easily taken in by your and will often look to you to provide excitement to their lives.  Like all things this can be good or bad.  Temperance is the key.  As you begin steps towards a new love, let honesty be your guide.  Let those coming into your world know that while you are all of these exciting and forceful things you cannot always be that way, so that they don’t come to expect and depend upon it.  Also be aware that your temperament demands that the person you love provide a challenge.  You are your own worst enemy at times, desiring that which seems impossible to have.  Take this next week to reflect on what brought about the end of your relationship or love so that you are ready as you move into May.  What wheels were set in motion on the 18th will find their fruits as we move into the next month, so be ready and be open.

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Aries New Moon – Hold on to your hat !

Astrology Aries Love money
Love Finance Life Career Aries New Moon ! Get Ready

Is there any better time to refresh and rejuvenate one’s thinking than a New Moon under the sign of Aries?  I certainly don’t think so as I am an Aries & always benefit when a New Moon enters my sign ! As the calm and fluid Pisces moon transcends and the positive and fiery energies of Aries ascends there is an abundance of energy and opportunity for new projects, new adventures, and new relationships.

The March Spring Equinox was the beginning of our astrological year.  As the sun rises over the equator so the new year was born.  The Aries New Moon is when we are able to plant those seeds of springtime and rebirth, when we breathe deep the energy and vitality of the Earth’s life-giving energies and plant our psychic seeds for harvest this year. Is this going to be YOUR year ? A reading with a professional recommended psychic might surprise you.  What we do this New Moon will have effects throughout the astrological calendar.  I am very sensitive to lunar lunacy ! & the Moon Tarot card, one of the first I ever created, is testament to the nocturnal power that lurks under the magicl glow of the Moon. For a more detailed meaning of  The Moon Tarot card you can visit my dedicated Moon card page HERE.

The Aries New Moon is a strong cycle with which to grab & amplify new ideas and innovations.  It is the right time to take chances or even act the fool, a time to reconnect to your true self and live a little.  Risk, adventure, and taking chances all have positive energies attached to them under an Aries New Moon.  Look at this time as a primer for all of your activities and energies for the remainder of this year.  This Moon will lay the foundation for positive change and self-reflection, allow this Moon to be he mirror to all of your subconscious dreams.  During any new moon you will find energies for self-actualization and positive change, but the energies of the ram have such power and fire to them that they act like a propulsion agent to your life, regardless of if you are an Aries or not.

As the moon rises consider your personal, spiritual, financial, and emotional goals for yourself this year.  As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries sets the pace & though sometimes brash, LOVES to take the lead.  Therefore a new moon under Aries will bring with it opportunity that you will not see again this year, so use the time well.  Believe, reflect, renew, and begin, yes believe ! And tell that negative voice in your head to take a hike.

As the cycle progresses you will want to begin setting your feet upon the path you drew for yourself this night, re-dream your future & have the conviction to accept that you can re-dream your future & easily create a new reality.  A week and a half to two weeks from now set the wheels in motion.  If you are thinking of starting a business, taking a trip, or even meeting someone new use the next few weeks to prepare. As you lay down to sleep visualise how you are going to manifest your new life & have the conviction to drag this ‘dream’ through the veil in to your reality.  As we leave one lunar cycle and move into the next we should reflect on what we learned in the last month and apply it forward, make a vow not to make the same mistakes but congratulate yourself on even the smallest victories.  The Libra Full Moon and lunar eclipse brought change to your world, What will this Aries new moon bring ?

This is your opportunity to create a powerful new year.  Like the ram rushing forward, you have the drive and energy behind you to make something happen, so think deeply and be ready for the moment that life says: GO!

This Aries New Moon occurs on Saturday, April 18th at 11:57am PDT/ 2:57pm EDT/ 6:57pm GMT



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Tarot Meanings: The Major & Minor Arcana. Is your destiny on the cards?


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Tarot Meanings: The Major & Minor Arcana. Is your destiny on the cards?

In the world of tarot, the cards and their meanings are like a door to another dimension, endless layers of meaning is revealed to anyone dedicated enough to absorb themselves in this most magical of Oracles. I have spent many years developing my own deck and still after many years of study am amazed at the endless layers of meaning that are revealed every time I tweak my deck. Intuition is imperative with Tarot, the same card can have a different implication or interpretation depending on the energy vibrations between the sitter and the reader. How successful a reading is is the responsibility of both parties involved in the reading, and guaranteed after the event relevant details will surface in an ‘Aha’ moment for anyone open to the power of Tarot. I have studied & undergone cognitive behavioral therapy, you would be amazed at how many ‘main stream therapists’ are incorporating the Tarot in their consultations.

The deck of 78 tarot cards has several arcana that form specific groups. This may sound a little confusing to you. For now, let us just talk about the major arcana and minor arcana. There are a total of 56 minor arcana. Those are also the 56 suit cards in the deck of 78. The other 22 cards are in the group of major arcana, the BIG GUNS of the Tarot that everyone is familiar with, the S c a r y cards always get the biggest response, SCARY TAROT, DEATH, THE DEVIL & THE DARKER MEANINGS AMONG THE 78 CARDS Find out more on not surprisingly one of my most popular pages HERE. The primary difference between major and minor arcana is that the former represents an energy that is long-lasting, intense or strong and the latter represents waning or less important energy, which is mostly temporary. In other words, both major and minor arcana represent significant energy, emotions or implications in a person’s life but the former is more important and powerful than the latter.

Let us imagine the Hermit major. The Hermit typically represents an urge or quest to seek answers, to unearth the truth, to decipher the truest pursuits and to live a life of renunciation. My Hermit certainly lived his life, no longer with us, you can read more about the detailed meaning of The Hermit Tarot card HERE. The card being a major arcana means that this energy or feeling is strong, intense and is likely to last for a long time. To the contrary, the Eight of Cups minor would imply a less impactful, though, maybe just as interesting meaning but with less intensity. The phase, depending on the position n the spread , may be short-lived and is in all likelihood a passing phase. The major arcana tarot readings often depict the consistent urge or a prevailing phase of a certain energy, emotion or interest, something that has been happening for a while and is likely to continue happening. A minor arcana depicts a sudden urge or phase which may be genuine or might be indicative of a distraction from something that a person is done or exhausted with.

The major and minor arcana tarot readings have immense significance in a person’s destiny. Knowing the real nature of a situation, feeling, emotion or quest, one can be serious about it or shrug it off. This could apply to career interests, relationships, love life, hobbies, passion or even any task that one has to do.

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Accepting your past, embracing your future

Releasing your past to move forward
Release the past – embrace the present – re-imagine your future

Accepting your past, embracing your future

“The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not willing to stay where you are.”  Unknown

That broken record plays over and over in your head.  The memories pop up and the resulting emotions leave you stuck, unable to move forward into a new refreshing life.  Round and round this continues to go until you are ready to let it go and not repeat those mistakes or patterns again.

Accepting your past and moving on to a much more enjoyable future can be done and requires turning your perceptions of the past upside down and viewing them from a different perspective.  Consider the following to shake loose of the past.

• Memories are only given power if you choose to do so.  The emotions attached to those memories can hold you hostage if you let them.  Acknowledge the emotions and study them without the noise of “I should…or I need…”  Simply let them flow and experience them.

• This is a brain twister:  The past happened and is over.  Anger, shame or hurt over past events is happening now.  What you are feeling now is what is keeping the past alive.

• Waiting for an apology you “deserve” only serves to postpone future happiness and makes your happiness dependent on the actions of someone else of whom you have no control.  Are you willing to put your current and future happiness in the hands of someone else?

• When you accept that you are in the driver’s seat of your emotions, you can start to change them.  You know it doesn’t feel good reliving or repeating the past so ask yourself what does feel good and put your vibrational energy on embracing that which does make you feel good.

• The victim role is a place of weakness and loss of power.  Jump out of that mindset and into one of a survivor.  A survivor is a place of self-empowerment.  Shifting from victim to survivor role opens your vibration up to receiving, while being the victim is a closed position, allowing the past to have power over you.

Once you come to terms with how your emotions about the past strangle and hold you down and shift into the survivor role, start opening yourself to gratitude. Practicing gratitude leaves no room for negativity to creep in.  When you are feeling exceptionally stressed or angry, list three things for which you are grateful in that moment.  It feels awkward at first, but by the time you list the third item, you may notice your negative emotions have been neutralised.

Letting go of the emotional hand cuffs is one step to creating an amazing future.  Physical things like grounding yourself in nature on a regular basis, meditation and surrounding yourself with people who are supportive will make the shift easier. Shielding yourself form negative people or “energy vampires” is a process but can be consciously developed and once you learn how to be happy, you naturally gravitate to those who are the same and won’t tolerate being around those who make you feel anything less, allowing you to embrace the positive and bright future you deserve.

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Are Phone Psychics Really Any Good ?

Psychics by phone text or Skype recommended
Where can you find a good psychic by phone ? 

The concept of a clairvoyant or psychic being able to connect with and delivering a reading to a client hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away seems ridiculous to most people at face value, until they have experienced a truly great remote psychic reading by phone. Sometimes even people who believe in the power of clairvoyants are a bit skeptical of those who use the telephone, email, or texts to deliver their message. However, there is very good evidence that psychic readings given over the phone or through other modern means of communication are just as reliable and enjoyable as those given face to face.

It is important to learn more about the art of clairvoyance so that an individual can form a more concrete opinion and make a better decision before taking this kind of step and having  a long distance reading performed. First, there are many different types of psychics. The term psychic itself has become a generic term for anyone that has any hint of extra sensory perception, however, there are more specific terms that can give people a better idea of how things work. A clairvoyant is one who can receive images and impressions about individuals or events, even those far away. In a similar vein, there are specific types of clairvoyants, or empaths, who don’t receive images but instead receive feeling and emotions. Those emotions may be emitted by the one getting the reading or they may be emitted by ones close to that individual. These specific types of clairvoyants are called empaths. Another type of sensitive is the clairaudient, they are clairvoyants who can receive audio messages from outside the normal auditory frequencies. All of these psychics have unique gifts that can help them provide a specific type of reading at a distance, even over the phone.

It is important to note that experienced psychics use their abilities to tap into the universal consciousness, using their expertise and skills to evaluate the impressions, sounds, and images they receive, to form their readings. A good  clairvoyant who has the experience to make sense of the messages they receive can give an excellent reading whether in person or on the phone, as well as through modern media such as email and psychic text messages or Skype. Many believe Clairvoyants have a finely tuned sense of perception that allows them to pick up on imperceptible sound waves and vibrations around them. These vibrations can be given off either by a voice over the phone, or through the lingering vibrations left in emails and texts.

It could be true that a face to face psychic reading is probably more enjoyable than one entertained through the telephone or online chat, but there is no evidence or reason to believe that a face to face psychic reading is any more detailed or beneficial. It is the purpose and the duty of a psychic clairvoyant to provide their gifts to as many as they can reach. It is unwise to be skeptical or critical of those who use modern media to reach out and help more people than would be possible otherwise. For a detailed reading with a recommended Psychic or Clairvoyant, please click here to view the options available to you.

As ever, wishing you a fantastic day & much positivity on your journey !

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Let go of past hurt – Accept that you are loved

Lovers horoscope tarot reports

Will I ever find true love ? 

Manifesting true Love

Failed relationships are brutal to overcome and not properly processing the experience, myriad emotions and owning up to your part in the failure can prevent you from moving forward and finding the love that is there waiting for you.

When a relationship faulters, there are five distinct stages of grief we all experience or cycle through:

  • Denial
  • Anger and resentment
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

The loss of a relationship distinct grief stages.  Often we get stuck or repeatedly cycle through the stages which keeps us from moving forward.  The greatest gift you can give yourself is to identify & flow through these stages in order to release the past hurt, lost dreams and failed expectations.

Accepting your role in the failed relationship is also integral to healing and opening yourself to receive future love.  The old saying; “it takes two to tango” is apropos when it comes to the failure of a relationship.  While it is easy to play the blame game, the bottom line is you have no control over anyone but yourself.

Honestly look at your actions and reactions in the lost relationship because you are the only one you can control.  Did you expect your spouse to be a mind reader?  Are you the type who had to “win” arguments?  Recognizing where you failed is stepping into vulnerability.  This is when you ruthlessly expose your belly to the predatory truth of your actions.  It is painful, it feels humiliating but it is also freeing.

Once you have identified the role you played in the failed relationship, forgive. Forgive your spouse for you. Anger and resentment are like holding on to a red hot coal, the only person who gets hurt is you.  You are not excusing the acts or justifying a wrong, you are simply freeing yourself from the pain and letting it flow so you can move on and accept love again.   Forgiving the offender is an eviction notice from your head.  They no longer can live there rent free when you forgive.

In forgiving your spouse you must forgive yourself too.  There is no point in carrying guilt or shame all tucked up neat and nice wrapped in a bow waiting to beat you over the head.   If you open to vulnerability, accept your role in the failure, forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, make the changes needed to not repeat them and move forward you won’t need that bow wrapped guilt package.  It serves no purpose in your growth.

The ego loves expectations.  Learn to quiet the ego and ditch expectations.  An expectation is a recipe for failure.  Learn to accept people for who they are, good and bad. Expectations are what you “want” the other person to do. You will develop a natural sense of what you will and won’t allow in future relationships.  When you allow people to be who they are and accept them just as they are, you will find that limits drop away and that love you deserve is easier to find when the noise of the ego and past are vanquished.  Are you #lookingforlove ? Do you ask yourself #doesheloveme ?

The Lovers Tarot Card – Detailed meaning – Click Here

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