Gemini Horoscopes for Love & Romance

Astrology for Gemini Trusted Astrologer
Gemini Love Horoscopes 

Weather the Storms of Spring Gemini and You’ll Have Sunshine on the Horizon

April has not been the best month for Gemini’s when it comes to love and romance, or anything else for that matter.  Fortunately, your Gemini nature has a way of putting things in perspective so that it seems not so bad.  Venus is in your sign and will have an effect on how others see you.  You will seem more charming and enigmatic than before, this can be good or bad.  It will draw people to you, but they may not see you wholly or completely.  The end of this month is the time for you to make a push in the area of friendships and romance as you have the wind at your sails.  As you move into May those problems in your relationship will be exposed and you need to work on them now or use this time to let go.  It is also the time to begin new relationships.  For more validation be sure to check out my amazingly popular Free Tarot Readings

Your dual nature sometimes makes it difficult for you to really engage in a a solid relationship, but not impossible when you accept who you are, accept that these feelings of wanting both freedom and comfort are just a part of who you are and use that to your advantage.  Know that when you have the urge to step away or even run away, you will want to return once you get to where you are going.  The person or people that love you will remember that you ran, so be considerate.  As Oprah used to say, “Once you know better, do better.”  If you accept that these feelings are temporal then it is easier to let the urge pass and in doing so lay the groundwork for a relationship where you can provide the security to others that you will someday seek for yourself.  Loving a Gemini is both easy due to your charisma, but also hard because you always look away to other opportunities.  As you go into May consider how others may look at your actions before you leap.

Having the power of Venus and the New Moon behind you means having a threshold of opportunity for romance.  It does not mean that you have to take it.  We all want love.  Love is one of the sweet fruits of life, but we’re not always ready for love.  Sometimes the people in our path will look like they are right because they bring a sense of newness and excitement, but that does not mean that they are the right person for us.  As with all things be cautions and wise.  If it is possible look to Libras for friendship and romance.  The Libra provides the counter-balance to your temperament and make great friends and lovers.  As long as you accept that you both, for different reasons, have trouble making decisions you can work on that weakness together.

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