Imbolc Sabbat 2018 – Unleash the Magic

thawing and stirring of earth’s waters melting from the Sun
Life Returns – Imbolc The Festival of Fire

Imbolc 2018: Space for New Beginnings
Imbolc marks the beginning of spring in the Celtic calendar and thus, the season to start fresh for a bountiful year. This is the time that life comes forth, brimming with promises of goodness and beauty, free from haunting remnants of cold seasons past. A jubilant affair for everyone, Imbolc inspires us to take root by planting small seeds of our positive hopes and wishes, to be grown and harvested throughout the rest of the year.
Originally honoring the pagan goddess Brigid, who emblemizes fertility, healing, poetry, and smithcraft, Imbolc is seen by Christians as a feast day in honor of St. Brigid, a virgin patroness of helping the poor and the needy.
Imbolc starts on the 1st of February. Celebrating the rebirth of spring, Imbolc is observed through various symbols and customs:
Brigid’s Cross
Brigid’s crosses are originally made of rushes and crafted in the shape of a cross with all ends the same length. The rushes (or any workable material) are interwoven with each other, fastened together by strings or rubber bands. You can also add in small decorations such as bows to your cross.
The cross is typically hung at the top of your doorway to ward off diseases and other evil elements.
Brigid Doll
More suited for kids, a Brigid doll is made from either corn husk, straws, or even art crafts. Some tie a few stems of lavender to add a fragrant scent to the doll, as well as to show Brigid’s devotion to harvesting.
In some towns, Brigid dolls are paraded on the eve of the feast day. They are then taken home, given a place to sleep for the eve’s night, and greeted in the morning to symbolize greeting the magical energy of spring (Brigid).
Lighting Candles
Imbolc is also known as Candlemas in reference of ancient bonfire traditions. The candles signify the impending burst of the balmy spring Sun, as well as containing your wishes within them. The lighting of candles has long been an act of various spiritual offerings.
Spring Cleaning
To cleanse your home of the past affairs of the cold winter season, people would ritually clean their home. This involves both physical and spiritual cleansing of your dwelling.
Thoroughly clean the house with your family to start anew for the spring season. To purify it once again, you can use oil and sea salt. Go through every room and passageways as you utter prayers.
Imbolc gives us a perfect blend of culture and religion that have lived through time. It manifests the human psyche of rebirth and rise.

I like to sit with the Fool Tarot card from my deck during Imbolc. The Fool the  Spark of Life, the Seeker on the Path to Consciousness allows me to meditate on where I want the year to lead me. I must admit Winter is not my favourite season & the promise of Spring always serves to energise & motivate me. Where is 2018 set to take you? Expert Psychics & Clairvoyants are available now for your Psychic Readings

As always I wish you only the best & hope that this year you manifest everything you desire.

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